Friday, December 10, 2010

Bollywood Vs Hollywood

Difference between Bollywood and Hollywood

Entertainment is arguably deemed a necessary psychological need for humans. In the short on time lives of today, one hardly finds time for entertainment. However, Bollywood and Hollywood movies provide an ample scope for some much-craved for entertainment. There is not a vast difference between the movies of both these film industries.


Hollywood movies are made on a grand scale which includes movies made on multi-million dollar budgets. However the money spent on movies in Bollywood, although huge, stands nowhere in comparison to Hollywood. The huge disparity in the scale of Bollywood and Hollywood can be evident from the fact that the entire earnings of Bollywood in 2006 were just half of the money earned by one major Hollywood studio, Walt Disney. The length of movies is also dissimilar. In Bollywood, movies typically have a 3 hour length although things are not the same any more with the movie time trimmed down to 1 and ½ hours in the latest flicks. Hollywood movies are not more than a three hour duration but Titanic was an exception.


Bollywood is known for a different genre of movies called musicals and melodramas. Hollywood genres are varied but rarely enter the musical genre. Bollywood movies appeal more to thesentimental side of human nature while Hollywood tickles at the adventurous human spirit. Although Hollywood can't be categorized into the science fiction genre only because romantic comedies like When Harry Met Sally, musicals like Grease and Moulin Rouge and sexy movies like American Pie are also popular in Hollywood.
The stories of Hollywood movies lack songs in general and the screenplay is quite taut. Bollywood draws heavily on songs with them making 20% of the narrative. But, Hollywood seems to be following the trend of including music heavily with movies in eliciting emotions to accompany the direction or in the re-emerging trend of movies like Moulin Rouge.


Hollywood is an older film industry having originated prior to before World War 1. Bollywood has later origins of talking movies in 1930's although its first silent movie Raja Harishchandra was produced in 1910 only, three years after Hollywood's most initial shot by D.W. Griffithin 1907. Hollywood is technologically superior to Bollywood. Bollywood has not been able to create technological marvels like Avatar and Titanic. However, the underwater movie Blue can be cited as an exception. Movies in Hollywood also derive their incomes from TV networks, home videos and magazines apart from theatre earnings. Bollywood on the other hand depends largely on theatre revenues only. Bollywood is also credited with driving the major Indian music trends.


  • Personal choice. Since Bollywood movies are being released abroad, more cultures have a chance to view them. Subtitles to ensure a greater audience understanding of dialogue and culture. However, if you are madly in love with the Bollywood song and dance routine, then such movies can woo you. It all depends on your choice. Hollywood movies are dubbed or subtitled as well.
  • Stars. Some Bollywood stars like Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have become household names abroad too. One can have a glimpse of their acting skills when their movies are screened there. However, such stars have also started making appearances in Hollywood movies.Hollywood stars are known and loved world wide.
  • Kind of audiences. Bollywood refrains from inclusion of steamy scenes in its movies, often excluding even kissing scenes. If kids are to be taken along to the screening, then clean Bollywood movies are a preferred choice. It also does not have exceptional nudity in its films which make them more coveted by family oriented audiences. Hollywood movie themes often include risqué themes and sexy or violent visual images if not made specifically for very young crowds.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Strawberries are a part of the rose family ROSACEAE
They have antioxidants like anthocyanins which is why they help in removing harmful toxin in the blood. It is also recommended for curing constipation rheumatism , gout,  high blood pressure even skin cancer.

Strawberry is a rich source of folic acid, folic acid helps to reduce and even prevent birth defects involving brain.
The strawberry, when cut in half and rubbed on the teeth and gums, removes tartar from the teeth and strengthens and heals the gums. The juice should be allowed to remain on the teeth as long as possible in order to dissolve the tartar and then mouth should be rinsed with warm water

Nutritive Value: Per 100 gm.
v Calories : 37
v Calcium : 28 gm
v Carbohydrates: 8.3 mg.
v Phosphorus: 27 mg.
v Potassium : 220 mg
v Vitamin A:  60 I.U.
v Vitamin B : Thiamine .03 mg.;
v  Vitamin C : 60 mg.