Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Martial Arts - where did all started

The history of martial arts is a tricky subject. 

You could ask 10 different people from 10 different arts and get 10 different answers. You could also ask
10people from the same art and get 10 different answers. The truth is that we only have a general idea about
when Martial Arts began.

Here is a short look at the history of martial arts after we here at thefightgame. tv compared notes as to what
we have been taught and learned throughout the course of our studies in the arts. This is meant only as a
guideline. We can't guarantee  the accuracy of the information contained here in. It's just a compilation of
what we've been taught.


Martial arts  is another way saying the "art of combat" or "art of waging of war." In it's infancy, it was used as
a weapon to survive. Kill or be killed. Martial arts can be a set of movements used for offensive or defensive
purposes (called Kata's or forms). It can also be a set of movements used to promote health. It has structure
and every movement has meaning. Then again, the late Bruce Lee taught that one should take the best from
all arts and adapt them to whatever situation one finds oneself in.  By not having structure and preset
movements, one is not limited and confined. But as some have pointed out, therein lies the structure.  
Martial arts has evolved into everything from simple  to complex systems of fighting and health. For
example,  in Kung Fu, some mimic movements from the animal kingdom and adapt them to human fighting.
Other's, like in Tae Kwon Do, use focus techniques to build up "Chi" (Ones Life Force) and use it to generate
powerful strikes. While others, like in Tai-Chi, use it to promote health. The list goes on and on.

The truth of the matter is most martial arts are similar. They all teach similar principles (like the ones
mentioned above), just in different ways. It's like religion. Many different religions but they all have something
in common, they worship some form of deity. The one thing all martial arts have in common is that they
promote self-defense. Hence the reason martial arts is called  the "Art of self-defense" and it just depends on
your personality, your range of movement and your comfort level as to which martial art will work best for

Furthermore, traditional martial arts, as we know them today, has it's roots in religion and philosophy.
Buddhism had a great impact in India and China which impacted Chinese martial arts. Taoism and Buddhism
in Japan led to Zen and all three impacted Japanese Martial Arts.  Moreover,  Chinese and Japanese
philosophers too had an impact  on martial arts. They strived to set a code of ethics and morals to live by.
The Japanese Samurai, for example, had the code of the Bushido.

The Beginning

So where did it all begin?
Well, we've heard martial arts started in China  way back in 1,300 - 1,000 B.C.  
We've also heard martial arts started in Greece with the Romans and wrestling somewhere near 40 B.C.

And yet, there are still others that believe that it started in India somewhere in the first or second century
B.C. and was brought over to China in or around 500 A.D.  

And we've heard it started in Europe around 750 B.C. and that wrestling was the first martial art known as

Still others believe it goes back even further to 2,500 B.C. to the Egyptians, as they had some form of hand
to hand combat.

More than likely, in some form, wrestling was the first martial art. When and where, who knows.

The closest  thing that historians can agree upon is when a martial art started in a particular country.

For example, from what we've been told, most historians believe Kung Fu started around 500 A.D. when a
man named Bodhidharma, who was said to be a monk from India, wandered the plains in search of
enlightenment. He wandered into China and came across a Shaolin Temple where he began to teach his
philosophy to the monks and some exercise skills.  It is there where  Kung Fu had it's beginnings. 

And F.Y.I., Kung Fu is more of a western term as it means "he who possesses skill or ability."  The Chinese
refer to martial arts as Wu Shu.

As you can tell, we here at thefightgame. tv have heard many explanations as to when it all began. All we
know is that we are extremely grateful it has survived and flourished in our times.


Martial artists  have adapted that which was used to fight wars of yesteryear into a gift of physical and
mental conditioning for our  times. 

This art, that teaches the ultimate skills for  war, that has been handed down from generation to generation,
has also transformed its practitioners into some of the most mellow, well mannered individuals the world has
ever seen. From the day when a martial artist  was in a kill or be killed situation, it has grown into somewhat
of an oxymoron. That of a peaceful warrior.  He/she would rather walk away from a fight than be in one. 

The greatest victory one can achieve is that which you do not use your physical skills but that which you win
by using your mental skills. 


If you are interested in learning more about martial arts history, go down to your local library and check out a
couple of book on the subject. You could also go down to your local martial arts studio and ask an Instructor
for their views. There are also many great documentaries  available on television and video you can view.

Don't be discourage if you come up with many different answers. That's half the fun. Somewhere within all the
theories probably lies the truth.

We here at thefightgame.tv like to think that martial arts started the very first time a human being took a
breathe on this earth. It is the thought of where the next meal will come from. It is the battle to achieve
shelter. It is the struggle to survive.

Martial arts is everywhere. 

We would like to leave you with a quote.  We hope you like it.
"Martial Arts is not about fighting.  It has evolved into an art. The Kung Fu is not the fighting that you are
learning. That is but a small aspect of the art. The Kung Fu is between you and me. The Communication,
The Respect, The Discipline to do that which is most difficult. Therein lies Kung Fu. Therein lies the Martial

Monday, November 29, 2010

One Of the Best Singer In the

Birth: August 23rd
Birthplace: Trichur, Kerala
Profession: Playback Singer, Bollywood.
Family: wife Jyoti and two children
From the whimsical 'Awarapan Banjarapan' number in Jism to the frisky Ding Dong song in Kucch To Hai, Krishna Kumar Menon or KK (as he is popularly known) has proved he can bring a wide and diverse variety of moods and emotions into his vocals.

After graduating from Kirori Mal College DU, KK dabbled with a few "normal" 9 to 5 jobs. He was quick to realise that this was not his "scene." It had to be singing or nothing. His soul was music. Soon, KK began participating in various forums where he could showcase his singing abilities. Be it Quiz Time of 1992 or the Ravi Bajaj fashion show.After a while, it dawned on him that to have a lucrative singing career one had to be in the thick of things--where the action is. That is how KK landed up to the place where the industry really moves--the city of Mumbai. The Mecca of advertising, Mumbai, opened up new vistas for KK. The ad fraternity did not lose time in recognising talent.Krishan Kumar Menon dearly called as Kay Kay was born on 23rd of August at Trichur , Kerala.He did his primary education in Mt Saint Mary , Delhi.Starting out early at school,he went on to win accolades at every annual event. Like any other kid of his generation, growing up meant being surrounded with sound of the times. Pink Floyd, Extreme, Sting, Billy Joel, Guns 'N' Roses, Deep Purple and Jethro Tull were some of his earliest influencers. At different stages, KK took to singing with different bands He was the lead vocalist for three different college bands. He sang Everything from “Everything I Do, I Do It For You ...”to Mr Big’s “Just Take My Heart”. And the rest is history. KK’s charisma worked with the music enthusiasts.
However, the road to success has not been a smooth one for this Delhi-based singer who came to Mumbai a few years ago. He started singing on stage when I was two years old. Later, he was part of my college rock band in Delhi after which I started singing jingles.The first few years in Mumbai were frustrating as he drew a blank in all my attempts to break into the filmi circuit. Finally, he got a call to sing a one-minute jingle for Leslie Lewis for UTV which kickstarted his career. Till date KK has recorded in 8 Indian languages. Some of his wellknown and memorable jingles include Monte Carlo, Sunny Bajaj, Asian Paints, Coca Cola, Jumpin’, Yo Frooti, Colgate Gel, CloseUp, Cinthol, Amul Cheese , Pepsi ‘Yeh Dil Mange More’ and many more. And thats what he grew famous for prior to his national Indipop release.
Once KK had established himself in the ad circuit, commercial films weren’t far behind. He got lucky breaks with stalwarts like A R Rahman, Gulzar and Shekar Kapur.KK has recorded some breathtaking tracks for films. Title tracks for a few TV serials like Just Mohabbat and Hip Hip Hurray have also been sung by him.
KK's forte is pop and rock ballads and is known for his live performances. He genuinely feels that there is a lot of interactive energy that flows when the audience reacts to his music and singing--altogether another "high", so to say. He hopes to do many live concerts in the future with his four member band . His greatest dream of cutting his own album also came true with Pal. It was the result of many months of painstaking effort and studio time. The album was produced by Lezz, who also happens to be KK’s friend, philosopher and guide; and Mehboob penned the lyrics. All the tracks have been sung by KK. Pal is what KK is made of and what he firmly believes in.
pal holds a very special place for KK as it was his first album. Released by Sony Music, the album was also the first Indian solo artist debut album from the company. The album was arranged, composed and produced by Lezz (Leslie Lewis) of Colonial Cousins. The lyrics have been written by Mehboob, who has also written lyrics for music directors like A R Rahman. KK is assisted by a band that comprise Karl Peters on bass, Kalyan Baruah on lead guitar and harmonica, Kurt Peters on drums and Rinku Rajput on keyboards.
Today, KK is one of the hottest names in the ad world. He has sung over 3,500 jingles including Monte Carlo, TVS Scooty, Amul, Britannia and Pepsi’s Yeh Dil Maange More in a span of four years.Contrary to popular opinion, he finds singing jingles is a major challenge. KK’s dream to sing for a Bollywood movie materialised when Vishal Bharadwaj asked him to sing ' Chhod Aaye Hum Vo Galiyaan'Chod Aaye Hum' in Machis. But what catapulted him into the big league was the wildly popular 'tadap tadap' in HDDCS. “It was one of the biggest hits of my career. When I performed at shows in the US, I always chose this song for the grand finale and it never failed to bring the house down,” reveals this singer who has had no formal training in music.
He claims he isn’t part of the jet-set-mustsee brigade ,No discos,no parties. KK loves to chill out in his cosy apartment at Yari Road with wife Jyoti and his two kids. “Jyoti is a pillar of strength and the sunshine factor in my life,” he says. Low-profile he certainly is. And down-to earth too. He still speaks in chaste Malayalam, remembers the sights and sounds of downtown Kerala and believes the best way to draw inspiration for emotions is to look at the poverty and people around us. It’s an attitude that’s certainly paying rich dividends on the work front. Shows, albums and of course, playback singing — it’s all happening for him.

Saturday, November 27, 2010



Although there are many forms of yoga for the eyes, some basic exercises involve the use of fixed points within the field of vision. Sit with good posture including an erect spine. Hold the body relaxed and raise the eyes to a level position. Find a point directly ahead you can see without straining, then lower your eyes and find a comparable point near the floor. These are the points to which you will return as you:
  • move your eyes up as far as you can without straining
  • and return to the point directly in front of you
  • repeating the maneuver four times
  • followed by a series of blinks to relax the eyes
Following the same guidelines, bring your eyes down and back four times followed by repetitive, relaxing blinks. 

Repeat this pattern by finding points to your left and right that you may mark either by holding your fingers in the correct position or some straight object like two pencils. Always use four repetitions followed by a series of blinks. 

When you have completed these motions, pick points on the diagonal and move your eyes from the upper right to the lower left and then the upper left to the lower right with the same pattern of four followed by blinking. 

Change the way you Look!!!

Yoga Postures Library of Asana

Yoga positions known as Asana are an ancient part of spiritual worship in the art of yoga. It is a way of spiritual practice involving the mind body and soul.This is how you can make yourself healthy
Yoga Posture tadasana
chair pose utkatasana
asana utanasana
Yoga Positions Tree pose
Yoga Posture trikonasana
Yoga Positions revolved side angle
Parivrtta Trikonasana
asana extended side angle
Parsvottanasana asana
Parivrtta ParsvaKonasana

Parsvottanasana asana
Parivrtta Anjaneyasana

yoga position warrior 1
Yoga Posture Warrior 2
warrior pose
Urdhva Virabhadrasana2

Yoga Posture Warrior 2
Parsvottanasana asana
Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
yoga position half moon
Ardha Chandrasana
fish pose matsyasana
Prasarita Padottanasana

chaturanga dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana

Salutation Pose
Parivrtta Paschimottasana
Yoga Positionse Janu Sirsasana
Janu Sirsasana
Shooting Bow Pose
Eka Pada Upavistha Parivrttasana
Yoga Posture Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Yoga Posture Janu Sirsasana
Yoga Posture Krounchasana
Yoga Positions Janu Sirsasana
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana II
handstand scorpion
Urdhva Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana III
Janu Sirsasana yoga pose
Parivrrta Janu Sirsasana IV
Baddha Konasana Bound Angle Pose
Baddha Konasana
Yoga Posture Upavistha konasana
Upavistha Konasana
Yoga Posture Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

Urdhva Mukha Upavistha Konasana
Shooting Bow Pose
Akarna Dhanurasana

Pincha Mayurasana
Pincha Mayurasana
Janu Sirsasana yoga pose
Sraddha Vrischikasana

Lunge Pose

Yoga Posture yoga position asana
Salamba Sirsasana
Yoga Positions headstand
Utthita Pada Sirsasana
Yoga Posture yoga position asana
Parsva Salamba Sirsasana
Yoga Posture yoga position asana
Yoga Posture shoulderstand
Eka Pada Salamba Sarvangasana
Navasana boat pose
NavasanaYoga Positions yoga position asana
Urdhva Paschimottasana

Yoga Positions yoga position asana

Supta Paschimottasana

handstand scorpion
Yoga Posture supta konasana
Supta Konasana
Parsva Sarvangasana
Eka Pada Parsva Sarvangasana
sarvangasana frog pose
Ardha Bhekasana Parsva Sarvangasana
Ardha Parsva Sarvangasana
Ardha Padma Sarvangasana

Parsva Dandasana
Parivrtta Parighasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana

Parsva Dandasana
Parsva Dandasana
Yoga Posture Samabhasana
Upavistha Parivrttasana
Yoga Positions Kapotasana
Salamba Kapotasana
Yoga Posture Kapotasana

Ardha Bheka KapotasanaDownward Facing Kapotasana
Adho Muka Kapotasana
Yoga Posture hanumanasana

Shooting Bow Pose
Upavistha Januparivrttasana
cat pose flow
Cat Flow 
Balasana child pose
Supta Virasana
Supta Virasana
ustrasana camel pose
Ustrasana Camel Pose
Parivrtta Ustrasana
Anjaneyasana lunge pose
Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Yoga Posture Janu Sirsasana
Parsva Bakasana 

Yoga Posture Janu Sirsasana
Parsva Bakasana
Yoga Posture Janu Sirsasana
Yoga Posture Janu Sirsasana
Yoga Posture Samabhasana
cobra pose Bhujangasana
cobra pose Bhujangasana
Parivrtta Bhujangasana

Shooting Bow Pose
Bheka Bhujangasana
Shooting Bow Pose
Padma Bhujangasana

fish pose matsyasana
cobra pose Bhujangasana
cobra pose Bhujangasana
Eka Pada Setubandhasanacobra pose Bhujangasana
bridge head
Setu Bandha Sirsasana
bridge on the head
Setu Bandha Sirsasana
Yoga Posture Samabhasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Half Revolved Belly Pose
Ardha Jathara Parivarttanasana
Lying Spinal Twists
Eka pada Jathara Parivarttanasana
chair pose utkatasana
Ardha Padmasana
Virasana Hero Pose
handstand scorpion
Bhuja Vrischikasana

handstand adho Mukha Vriksasana
Adho Mukha Vrksasana

handstand adho Mukha Vriksasana

handstand adho Mukha Vriksasana