Saturday, November 27, 2010



Although there are many forms of yoga for the eyes, some basic exercises involve the use of fixed points within the field of vision. Sit with good posture including an erect spine. Hold the body relaxed and raise the eyes to a level position. Find a point directly ahead you can see without straining, then lower your eyes and find a comparable point near the floor. These are the points to which you will return as you:
  • move your eyes up as far as you can without straining
  • and return to the point directly in front of you
  • repeating the maneuver four times
  • followed by a series of blinks to relax the eyes
Following the same guidelines, bring your eyes down and back four times followed by repetitive, relaxing blinks. 

Repeat this pattern by finding points to your left and right that you may mark either by holding your fingers in the correct position or some straight object like two pencils. Always use four repetitions followed by a series of blinks. 

When you have completed these motions, pick points on the diagonal and move your eyes from the upper right to the lower left and then the upper left to the lower right with the same pattern of four followed by blinking. 

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