Friday, April 8, 2011


Anna Hazare has become a modern day hero for the Indians.It was about time that somebody woke up for the rights of we Indians. Right from the schools to big offices there is corruption and the problem is that the common man is targeted by this rising corruption. Even if you want to do something right you need to bribe the person who will do your work so that it is done on time.

Question arises,is it the fault of the person who takes bribe,I SAY NO! It is the fault of the people who give bribes and then we say the corruption is rising.

Great! First produce corruption and then say the system is corrupt...that's been our problem but it's time people that we woke up because this is our country, our Nation and it will become better only if we choose to make it better.
The least we can do is support a person fighting for us and our nation.
Thankyou Mr.Anna Hazare for waking me and sure many others...

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