Friday, November 26, 2010


·         FINANCIAL INCLUSION: IDBI Bank designs products and services which benefits the wider society hence forming “SABKA” saving account with the intention to make basic banking services accessible to majority of unbanked and underbanked people. This facility offers  banking facilities and conveniences at low average balance requirement.This scheme was further modified to cater to large number of customers.The bank also initiated amobile cash van in Satara to serve the areas surrounding It
·         AGRICULTURE:The bank takes lot of interest in agriculture by corporate agriculture lending and funding to the farmers through the corporate sector. The Bank introduced “Loan against crop receivable, Loans to Micro finance institutions,Agriculture Gold loan” which were well accepted in the market In order to reduce the turn around time the bank has set up 12 Agri Procesing centres across the country and is undergoing preposition to open more of these .These Agri Processing units have equipped manpower and are making efforts to create oppurtunities in deepening the credit flow to the farmers
·         ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION:The bank provides in the area of Clean Development programme under the Kyoto Protocol.It has also been acting a intermediatery for the World Bank funding under Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Phase Out scheme since 1991It is acting as financial agent for the World Bank for implementation of the projects which would help in phasing out the production and use of Chlorofluoro Carbon and Carbon Tetra Chloride in India.The bank has set up team which provides all the facilities relating to carbon credit market .
·         DENA LAKSHMI SHIKSHA PROTSAHAN YOJANA:Dena Bank set up this to educate the girl child in the villages where the Bnk was present by proviing scholarship of Rs 1500 to a girl selected from each school based on the marks and the girl child belongs to below poverty line based in 7th standard.It has so far provided more that 74 scolarshp under this scheme.The bank is also involved in providing education to it’s farmers borrowers by associating with various agricultural universities
·         RURAL DEVELOPMWNT AND SELF EMPLOYMENT TRAINING INSTITUTE(RUDSETI): Dena Rural Development Foundation was set up by te Bank which inturn formed RUDSETIs which were in Mehsana and Bhuj in Gujarat to educate th rural youth i.e. men and women so that they are able to develop skills to be self employed in the future .The bank is also involved in training of the farmers in collaboration with various agriculture universities

·         BLOOD DONATION CAMPS: The bank has sponsored more than 7270 blood donors and for this effort they have been awarded 3 Rolling Shields by Madras Voluntary Blood BankThis was because of it’s high performance for the 20th consecutive year in Tamil Nadu and sponsoring many blood donors  hence conducting many blood donation camps
Punjab National Bank created a trust “PNB Farmers’ Welfare Trust, which is registered with the Sub Registrar, New Delhi on 22.9.2000 registered under section 12A read with section 12AA(1)(b)of Income Tax Act 1961.The trust is authorized to accept donations because of it’s exemption U/s 80 G Of Income Tax Act 1961
·         PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK FARMER TRAINING CENTER: PNB established Farmers Training Centers(FTCs) in different states where the farmers, rural youth and women could be trained.The training center for the youth is present at village DHUDIKE, the birthplace of Shri Lala Lajpat Rai, one of the founders of the bank The farmers are trained on how to adopt improved farming technologies, cultivation of various crops, use of fertilizers, irrigation etc. so that the farmers are well equipped with farming education which would ultimately help the state in the long run.For the Women, 3 months training is given in sewing,cutting and embroidery and also in preparing home made products like papad is imparted After door to door survey the bank also gave money for the development of village like Sacha Kheraand hence giving ability to the villagers to start their own Village Library , Homeopathy Dispensary which are very necessary in education and health view
·         PNB SWAROJGAR VIKAS SANSTHAN ( PNBSVS ) –PATNA,BIHAR. Being set up on the pattern of Rural Development & Self Help Employment TrainingInstitute ( RUDSETI ). The Institute provides training and uses youth power in wealth creationthrough enterpreneurship development and imparting knowledge & skill required for taking up self employment
·         RURAL DEVELOPMENT TRUST:This trust imparts education to youth in rural and semiurban areas so that people can be self employed. They train people by conducting vocational and human resource training and has trained more than 72000 participating people.Along with Andhra Pradesh government and NABARD, it set up APBIRED for providing training to the unemployed youth so that they could improve their skills.During year ’07-08’, the bank adopted Gundugolanu village in Andhra Pradesh for improving the liveng conditions of the people by giving comprehensive budget of 5.50 crores so that health, education facilities and sanitation can be improved in the village

·         RURAL SERVICE VOLUNTEERS: Canara Bank innovated a scheme which was called “Rural Service Volunteers in the year 1982 in which the Bank provides opportunity to willing people to work for rural development  and that too on full time basis and the minimum time eriod taken into consideration is 2 years.There have been more than 146 people who have worked as Rural Servece Volunteers
·         RURAL CLINIC SERVICES:This scheme was started by the bank in year 1983.It was initiated to provide medical facilities to backward villages and hence provide employment opportunity to the unemployed doctors so thatthey could also set up their clinics in their villages.This scheme  provides an opportunity to the qualified doctors who did medicine from the universities recognized by the All India Medical Council and these doctors are also paid incentives .So far, more than 487 doctors have been assisted by the bank to open up rural clinics in remote rural areas
·         JALYOGA SCHEME: It was introduced in the year 1996 on the Bank’s 90th anniversary.It was done so that safe drinking water can be provided to the SC/ST/Backward communities of rural areas where This Bank was present.The land is granted by the local panchayat, after which the bank gives 3 lakhs and extra cost is borne by the local bodies and after the completion it is hnded over to the local bodies for the further maintainance
·         HARIKALYANA YOJANA:It aims at the development of th SC/ST colonies through locally appointed person A grant of 5000 is given to the youth to acquire some productive assets and an additional 10000 is provided for developmet activities which include health care, literacy classes, cleanliness, tree planting, sanitation and other developmental programmes
·         Canara Bank is the sponsorer of mobile marketing van which is for display cum sale of house hold products made by Small women entrepreneurs etc.The van is highly equipped with card swiping machine, is solar powered and is present at important places in Bangalore
BLOOD DONATION AND HEALTH CAMPS: Every year about 5000 units of blood is donated by the staff members and health camps are there for the people living in rural areas

·         BARODA R –SETI:The Bank started 25 Baroda SwarozgarVikas Sansthanfor imparting training to the unemployed youth for nothing I return i.e. free of cost so that they could be self employed in the future years and this helped 37000 youth
·         BARODA GRAMIN PARAMARSH KENDRA:This was created to spread awareness among rural people on various financial activities, banking services and 4 centres were made in Ajmer, Amethi,Baroda and Raebareli

·         MAHABANK SELF EMPLOYMENT TRAINING INSTITUTE( M-SETI):M-SETI was established in December 2001 to impart entrepreneurship skill development for educated unemployed youths, specially from rural areas.Various Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Entrepreneurship Development Programmes courses are conducted through 3 M-SETI centres at Pune, Aurangabad and Nagpur These M-SETI centres have conducted 187 programmes and trained 3905 unemployed youths of which 2696 have successfully started their own businesses
·         RURAL DEVELOPMENT CENTREThe bank  established Mahabank Agricultural research and rural Development Foundation in 1980 for providing credit plus services along with extension services, technical support, operational research and development in the field of agriculture to the farmers  It also established 2 rural development centres  at Hadapsar and at Bhigwan  in 1984 which were made to impart various developmental programmes like soil reclamation, crop production, organic farming and activity specific training programmes through NABARD and other agencies

·         SAKTHI SCHEME FOR UPLIFTMENT OF WOMEN Through this  scheme the bank has so far given vocational training to downtrodden women in the employment generating schemes. All the women who underwent vocational training have been  employed. Under the Nursing scheme more than 220 women have been trained and all of them have been employed in  reputed hospitals, with a salary range Rs.1500 to Rs.2000/- p.m.As far as  Tailoring training is concerned, so far  more than 290 women have trained and all of them have got tailoring jobs . A sizeable number of such trained women have been also absorbed in many Garment export Units in Madras Export Processing Zone (MEPZ) where they get a decent salary.95 candidates who have been trained in Secretarial course have secured employment with a salary ranging from Rs.1400-1500.Under Sakthi Scheme the Bank having  tied up with several institutions has given job-orientation programme in retail management in coordination with RPG Institute of Retail Management. There are  more than 53 women who have undergone training and are employed in retail chain outlets like FOOD WORLD, HEALTH & GLOW,  L.G showroom etc. with a decent salary.Short Term Courses on Computer Application are conducted at institutions like BITS, NIIT and APTECH. 235 candidates have been trained so far..This was done because computer knowledge now is becoming a necessity Care taker Training is a new area of training where girls are trained to look after old people and also the  mentally retarded children so that they canbe self employedAudio – Video Repairs / Mechanism: Girls are trained exclusively in assembling Radio, TV, and theirrepairs/servicing etc. for a duration of 2 years and get Govt recognised certificate and this has allowed many girls to get part time jobs in TV servicing shops hence making them self dependent and that too in the training period itself.

·         VILLAGE KNOWLEDGE CENTRES:For development of agricultural sector, the Bank introduced the concept of "Village Knowledge Centres" for benefitting farmers. These centres act as core centres for rural development activities and impart knowledge to the farmers about new developments in methods of cultivation, the new technologies which could benefit the crop growers i.e. the farmers, proper use of fertilizers, pesticides etc. for better yield of the crops which would lead to higher profit of the farmers . Weather report and agro-climatic conditions, latest information on price of inputs and agriculture produce are also made available to the farmers
·         100% BANKING HABIT: In this  villages in each Region as 100% Banking Habit Villages" were given banking facilities
·         BHUMIHEEN GREEN CARD: This was used to provide easy credit facilities to tenant farmers, landless labourers and their Joint Liability Groups/SHGs etc. and therefore benefits those farmers who are unable to give any tangible security such as land, vehicle etc.
·         JOINT LIABILITY GROUPS:This was done to inculcate the habit of group based financing, to tenant  farmers with small land holding without proper Agriculture land
NO FRILLS ACCOUNT:"No Frills" Account scheme was introduced to bring the down trodden and poverty ridden masses which have been socially and financially not sound
·         UNION MITR  It was launched to  provide financial education services and debt counselling to all levels of the society especially the rural people totally free of cost. It has been established at 51 Village Knowledge Centres in rural areas and would subsequently be established in other parts of the country

·         -The Bank setup 100rural libraries in association with the localpanchayats and the educational institutions It put up 100 libraries in 25 villages and supported many students by giving them scholarships for their education as a part of their Rural Development Programme
·         It also launched CORPCOMPASSION sceme to support charitable institutions and the bank would donate Rs 10 per new saving bank account opened during the saving bank campaign 2008 and provide helo to destitute,underpriviledged, orphans and special children
·         The bank launched “The best outgoing student award” to award the excellence in children and 8 grams gold would be awarded to best outgoing student of 25 reputed colleges spread across the country every year The Bank also donated a fully equipped, furnished and state-of-the-art Public Library to Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. Apart from the above, the Bank has also involved in several initiatives in the field of societal concerns, Education, Health and Hygiene, promotion of Art and Culture.
·         Corporation Bank Self-Employment Training Institute [COBSETI]
·         Corporation Bank Economic Development Foundation

·         SPONSORING SOCIAL, CHARITABLE INITIATIVES:The Bank has taken many social and charitable initiatives for the society at large. Some of the philanthropic activities with which the Bank associated itself with during  2008-09 were Msjr. Joseph Kandathil Memorial Cancer Research Centre, Cherthala, General Hospital, Ernakulam.Kerala Kidney Research Foundation, Kottayam.
·         AGRICULTURE:.The Bank is actively involved in financing Rubber Producers’ Societies, Farmers’ Co-operative Institutions, Food and Agro based Processing Units etc. It continued to expand its reach in South Maharashtra and North Karnataka the agricultural belt, through branches of  Ganesh Bank of Kurundwad. Kolhapur Region registered more than 50% growth under Agricultural Lending during the last financial year. The Bank took measures to increase lending against the pledge of warehouse receipts through tie-up with Collateral Managers like National Bulk Handling Corporation Ltd and CNX Enterprises Private Ltd. The Agricultural Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme-2008 announced by GOI has been fully implemented in the Bank. More than Rs. 106 crore had been given as ‘Debt Waiver’ to ‘Small and Marginal Farmers’who needed urgent money and the amount of ‘Debt Relief’ to ‘Other Farmers’ was made available only after June 2009 as the time allowed to pay the farmers’ share expired only on 30.06.2009.
·         FINANCIAL INCLUSION:The Bank has some restrictions on financing industries producing/consuming Ozone Depleting Substances as it thinks that it is their corporate social rsponsibility.It has been actively engaged in providing financial inclusion products like No-frills, General Credit Card, Micro- Credit etc.It is also involved in providing finance to Self-Help Groups (SHG) through direct financing route and through NGOs/MFIs.It continues to implement a credit-plus program called ‘Samrudhi’, through the Community Development Societies (CDS) promoted by the Kerala State Poverty Eradication Mission (Kudumbashree) and other agencies. The Bank started Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling Centers in the name of “Federal Ashwas Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling Centers” in a few places in Kerala through a newly formed Trust for this purpose namely, “Federal Ashwas Trust”

·         THE SOCIAL INITIATIVES GROUP(SIG): The Social Initiatives Group (SIG) of ICICI Bank Ltd has a mission to help poorso that they become self dependent by doing some kind of work, earn money and hence are able to participate in the larger economy It supports the initiatives taken to break the cycle of poor health and nutrition especially among the poor , to be specific below poverty line people and helps to ensure essential childhood education and schooling as well as access to basic  financial needs to the not so priviledged people of the society.Thus, by promoting early child health, elementary education and maximizing access to financial services, ICICI Bank believes that it can build the capacities of India’s poor to participate in larger socio-economic processes and thereby enhancing overall development of the country.. SIG locates cost effective initiatives and supports research to understand their impact. This is done in collaboration with research agencies, non governmental organisations (NGOs), companies, government departments, etc.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY,: J&K Bank seeks to recognize its responsibilities towards society and has integrated the CSR ideals into its mission for optimizing both business and social performance
·         The Bank was the initiator of the amusement park "Bagh-I-Wazir", Bun Bagh, Anantnag, Kashmir. Where different kind of rides were installed  for children where they could enjoy themselves to the fullest. In a short span of time, the park has become a major tourist attraction in the region which is why the bank also has plans to establish such types of leisure and pleasure destinations in other tourist places of the state as a supplement to ecological/environmental development.
·         The development of Rajinder Park at Ranbir Canal and a walk way along the canal acted as great delight to the local people as well as the tourists . In order to stop the wastage of water, the Bank donated Rs.1.00 lakh for construction of service reservoir at Spring for the people of Seer, Anantnag, Kashmir. Due to the efforts of the Bank, more than 200 families were able to get pure drinking water in the area. The Bank as a part of it’s csr activities organized sanitation and cleanliness drives in Srinagar and Jammu Similar drive was organized at Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS).
·         PROMOTING TALENT:     In order to promote talent and creativity among the youth, the Bank sponsored and is still sponsoring various  programmes in which the children and the youth are encouraged to explore their talent and creativity  It provides financial assistance to the bright students belonging to poor families so as to help them to complete their educationand hence make their future bright. During the year, the Bank has adopted number of students to bear their educational expenses. The Bank also provides financial and other kinds of support to those organizations that are involved in the process of promoting education across the country like some NGOs who are involved in educating rural region children. The Bank donates computers   equipments to schools and other educational institutions so that children can use them as computers are becoming the need of today. The bank provides a number of scholarships to the deserving Kashmir University students.and in doing this encourages them to work better in the field of education
·         HERITAGE:  Preservation of Heritage is very important and the duty of every citizen it is responsible for representingIndia and it’s heritage and this bank is doing just that.The thrust areas in which the bank has becomeinvolved are preservation of historical/religious monuments, development of tourist sites, national properties, museums,libraries, protection of environment/ecology etc. and sponsoring seminars and awareness camps, art and literary works, 3rd cultural activities, social service camps, college or university students clubs etc.
·         EDUCATION AND NATURE:HSBC bank has been actively involved in the education area as well as the nature preserving. HSBC had formally put forward their commitment to sustainability as early as 1992 by being a signatory to the UN Environment Program Statement by Financial Institutions on Environment and Sustainable Development.After  publishing their first Environmental Policy in 1997 and statement of business principles and values in 1998, the group appointed Lord Butler as non-executive director to oversee the 'HSBC in Community' philanthropic program in 1999. The HSBC education trust was later set up in the UK and starting 2001, the group regularly reported their progress in CSR activities through yearly CSR reports HSBC believed that multinational enterprises had a greater responsibility toward social, ethical, and environmental causes because they were in direct interface with people, businesses, and communities across the globe.

The Axis Bank Foundation was set up in 2006 , and is registered as a public trust. Each year the bank transfers each year 1% of its net profit for the previous year to the Foundation and this amount is the maximum amount permitted by RESERVE BANK OF INDIA. Through the Axis Bank Foundation, the Bank seeks to define and effectively fulfill its Corporate Social Responsibilities Foundation includes ensuring quality education for the underprivileged child specially the girl child, focusing on early childhood programmes for 2-6 year olds,  projects that encourage 'Inclusive Education' for physically challenged children so that they are not left behind tothers , supporting programmes to handle the Highway Rescue project, and teacher training programmes
·         CHETNA, New Delhi To take education to the streets and empowering street and working children through education in Delhi and Dehradun.
·         CINI ASHA, Kolkata To build capacities of 5 smaller NGO as well as mainstream atleast 5000 children in formal schools over a period of 3 years
·         CULP, Jaipur To set up 25 Pehchanshalas in Churchu and Niwai blocks of Rajasthan for bridge course learning for out-of-school girl children
·         DEEDS Public Charitable Trust, Mumbai Grant for providing English literacy to Deaf Youth
·         DEEPALYA, New Delhi To build capacities of 6 smaller NGO as well as mainstream at least 5500 children in formal schools over a period of 3 years
·         DISHA, New Delhi To educate 1,800 children from 9 slums of Mayapuri and Naraina Industrial Area and many others

·         COMMUNITY SERVICE BANKING:In the financial year 2007-08, the Bank made donations aggregating Rs. 8.11 crore to various Relief Funds and also to NGOs / Trusts / Societies for their projects with social that that money can br used for the sick, the poor,the downtrodden and could beused for the welfare of the society.In recognition of its contribution to Rural Community Development, the Bank was awarded the prestigious Reader’s Digest Pegasus Corporate Social Responsibilities Award 2007. Under a scheme named ‘Adoption of the Girl Child’ over 8,300 poor girl children have been adopted by various branches throughout the country to meet their personal and educational expenses and from the Research and Development Fund, the Bank has so far extended Rs.6.61 crore as research grants to 71 chairs / research projects at various Universities and Academic institutions.

·         COMMUNITY SERVICE BANKING  , The Bank effectively takes part  in various community development activities which are helpful for the community at large. It  has sponsored more than 234 programmes  with Rs.49.51 Lakhs including other contributionswhich were given for purchase of utility assets by various social & charitable institutions.  in different schools and colleges were felicitated.The other csr activities thatthebank did was conducting health check up camps for senior citizens, eye check up camps, animal health check up camps, distribution of artificial limbs to physically challenged and the bank also donated ventilator and other medical equipments to Mysore Medical College at K.R.Hospital,Mysore.

·         Pratham is a longstanding community partner of Citi India. Pratham programmes supported by Citi Foundation have positively impacted over 380,000 children across the states of Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi and they help in education, health of poor childrenwho are not so priviledged

·         AGRICULTURE LOAN: . The Bank had introduced a wide range of schemes like Kisan Credit Card, Produce loans, Gold loans and Term loans which would fulfill the various types of needs of the farmers and the  the farming community as a whole. The Bank has been actively participating in lending to Micro finance activites and to actively contribute to the efforts of ‘Financial Inclusion’, the Bank accelerated the lending directly to SHGs (Self Help Groups) and indirectly through MFIs (Micro Finance Institutions). The Bank’s active role in SHG linkage programme also earned laurels as 6 Branch Heads in Andhra Pradesh were recognized on the occasion of Republic Day celebrations. The Bank has also entered into  a tie-ups with National Bulk Handling Corporation (NBHC) to give impetus to commodity lending. The Bank has successfully implemented the Debt Waiver/relief scheme announced by the Government of India. The scheme benefited over 21,000 farmers. Of these, nearly 15,000 farmers benefited under the waiver scheme and the remaining benefited under the relief scheme
·         ING Vysya Foundation was incorporated in October 2004 to promote Corporate Social Responsibility so that the bank could take part in the welfare of the society.The Bank contributes to the Foundation substantially every year promoting  primary education for underprivileged children. This being the part of worldwide “Chances for Children” programme (CFC) of ING Group. ING Vysya Foundation was set up by  the three business units of ING Vysya i.e. ING Vysya Bank, ING Vysya Life Insurance and ING Vysya Mutual Fund.It was done to promote primary education for under privileged children whowere not able to pay money for their education hence empowering children through education and ING also has partnership with UNICEF.
·         SUSTAINABILITY DEVELOPMENTThe Bank ensures that the projects financed by it, are environmentally and socially sound and sustainable so that society at large is benefitted from it  which is why it adopted various policies like General Environmental and Social Risk (G-ESR) policy, Equator Principles (EP) Policy Specific Environmental and Social Risk (S-ESR) Policy. Every year the Bank submits the Annual Environmental and Social Performance Report to International Finance Corporation (IFC). This report covers Environmental Management System and Project Environmental and Social Compliance.It has also adopted the Equator Principles (EP) policy which is a set of voluntary environmental and social guidelines for ethical project finance and these principles guide the banks  to not to finance projects that fail to meet these guidelines Child labour,  and protection of natural heritages are examples of social and environmental issues covered by the EP.

·         TRAINING FOR FARMERS:The Bank has made four training institutes under it’s belt and they are in Rae Bareilly, U.P., Hazaribagh in Jharkhand, Bolpur in W.B. and Debra, Paschim Medinipore in West Bengal each.
·         The bank has also taken initiative to open 17 RSETIs ( including existing 4 RUDSETIs). According to the bank these institutes should be bank led institutions and there shall be single bank’s sponsorship of RSETIs in a District and these would operate with residential facilities.
·         The Bank has emphasised on  financing of supply chains for agricultural business progress,Plantation & Horticulture, post harvest storage infrastructures, lending to SHGs/JLGs through Micro Finance Institutions etc. to accelerate credit flow to priority sector with special emphasis to Agriculture sub- sector during 2008-09.There have been many schemes made by the bank for financing of Rural Tourism Infrastructure, Rural Education, Rural Telephony & Internet Kiosk and Rural Health Care Unit.Up to 31.03.2009, 519 programmes were conducted extended training to 13,623 farmers/unemployed youths, out of which 5,295 trainees were credit linked involving an amount of Rs.36.94 crores.
·         KISAN CREDIT CARD: The Bank issued 1.91 lacs Kisan Credit Cards involving a credit amount of Rs.1089.25 crores during 2008-09
·         SELF HELP GROUP: The Bank  launched a scheme for self help groups (SHGs) members for fulfilment of social needs such as Housing, Health, Marriage, Educations  which are necessary Total financial assistance under the scheme is to the extent of Rs. 50,000/- per member of SHG with a maximum ceiling of Rs. 5.00 lacs per SHG.
·         MSME SECTOR FINANCING: MSME is  Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) which increased to Rs.5508.06 crores as on 31.3.2009, showing a growth of 19.49% as against the target created which was of Rs.5,350 crores (16%) stipulated by the Govt. of India. The Bank has therefore also  setup  regional MSME Care Centres  which are present at Bhopal, Ludhiana, Ranchi, Kolkata and New Delhi and are 6 in number

·         AGRICULTURE CREDIT:The credit given to agricultural sector increased to Rs 24,057 crore as on March 31, 2009  even the direct agriculture advances of the Bank  showed a robust growth of 33 percent. Bank had issued 4.46 lakh Kisan Credit Cards (KCCs) during 2008-09, taking the cumulative number of KCCs issued to 28.3 lakh since its inception. During 2008-09, Bank disbursed Rs.15,257 crore KCCs under Special Agricultural Credit Plan.
·         MICRO FINANCE INSTITUTIONS: During 2008-09, the bnk launched a scheme for financing Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs)/Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFCs) for financial lending to individuals/Self Help Groups (SHGs). Debt.The Bank formulated a scheme, called PNB Krishak Saathi For financing farmers for repayment and also tied up with National Bulk Handling . Under the KCC scheme, Bank has enhanced the maximum limit to Rs 20 lakh from the existing Rs 10 lakh in 2 States i.e. Punjab & Haryana and in 3 districts of Rajasthan NB Centenary Rural Development Trust The bank established PNB Centenary Rural Development Trust with an objective of assisting rural youth for taking up gainful employment and rural development. Three units under the Trust are working, viz., Soil Testing & Artificial Insemination Centre at Village Matki Jharoli (UP); Training Centre for Rural Youth for Self Employment at village Dhudike (Punjab) and PNB Swarojgar Vikas Sansthan for training of unemployed youth at Patna (Bihar).
·         PNB SWAROZGAR VIKAS SANSTHAN, PATNA,(BIHAR) is a Rural  Development and Self Employment Training Institute and was  established on January 15, 2007 for training the youth to be self employedThe training has been provided to 763 persons including 655 women by the Institute These institutes shall be providing training to the rural BPL youth and women so that they can engage themselves in productive self-employment activities and raise their income level.
·         AGRICULTURE DEBT WAIVER AND DEBT RELIEF SCHEME 2008:Under the scheme, Bank has waived Rs.1,149.5 crore in 3,39,752 farmers’ accounts. Further, 91,708 farmers are eligible under Debt Relief with the relief amount of Rs.244.46 crore.
·         CREDIT TO WOMEN :. Credit to women as percent to ANBC stood at 5.04 percent at the end of March 2009,was higher than the National Goal of 5 percent

·         The Bank initiated outsourcing some non-core back office operations to certain small semi-urban locations which led to creation of jobs for the local educated youth in those towns and they were employed without any relocation so they got advantage with this . The non relocation also gave a boost to the local economy .The bank also doesmicrofinance and self – help group (SHG) financing. It has maintained relationship with 110 micro finance institutions and has extended credit  facilities, and so far more than1.61 million households have been benefited by this financial inclusion.Therefore,  the Bank had also appointed around 150 NGOs across the country as business correspondents (BCs) to provide SHG – Bank linkage to help tribals, physically challenged, beggars, etc. to earn a livelihood, hence take part in the economy.

·         AGRIBUSINESS RURAL & SOCIAL BANKING (ARSB): ARSB has laid significant focus to the financial needs of the agriculture sector by extending banking products and services to the un-banked and under-banked rural communities, and promoting financial inclusion and inclusive growth at the base of the pyramid.
·         MICROFINANCE: YES BANK is committed to creating equal financial opportunities and enabling financial inclusion. The Bank provides term lending and direct lending, a two-pronged solution to provide easy access to suitable financial products and services to un-Banked/under-Banked, low-income communities across urban and rural India.
·         SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENT BANKING (SIB): The Bank has established a dedicated business vertical that addresses the need for specialist investment advisory in sustainable ventures such as Social, Alternative Energy and Environment. 
·         PRIVATE EQUITY (PE): As India fast becomes the most favoured emerging market for foreign investments, the economic, political and regulatory climate for private equity investors has become encouraging. At YES BANK we are making conscious efforts of promoting sunrise sectors with high growth potential

·         537 Social circles provide selfless community service
·         Bagged Award for the Best Organization promoting voluntary blood donation instituted by Terumo Penpand State NSS (National Service Scheme)
·         Received Award for the humanitarian services rendered by the Bank to the visually impaired brethren from Kerala Federation of the Blind (TVM)
·         Free Medical Camps, Rehabilitation Programs, distribution of free wheel chairs
·         Programs for improving the facilities of orphanages, care homes, geriatric centres
·         Programs for the benefit of the student community
·         Eco-friendly smoke - free offices
·         Bagged "Social Responsibility Award" from HelpAge India, Red cross society award for blood donation
 WELFARE MEASURES:The Bank’s assistance to weaker sections under non-lending programmes is extended mostly through social circles formed in the branches, and controlled by Community Service Banking division functioning at Head Office of the Bank
·         Organization of  blood donation camps.
·         Organization of Eye Donation Camps.
·         Organizing Free Medical Camps.
·         Rehabilitation Programmes for destitutes.
·          Provision of free wheel chairs for physically handicapped people and also the  programmes for improving the facilities of orphanage care homes, and geriatric centers.
·         Organization of the programmes which would benefit the students 
·         Apart from being the premier Bank in Kerala, State Bank of Trava ncore is a socially responsive institution, which owes its roots to the people. The Social Circles, which are voluntary organizations formed by the members of staff working in branches and administrative offices undertake various social service activities. 537 Social Circles are functioning at various branches and administrative offices spread all over India.Social Circle activities include health related programmes, activities for the betterment of differently-abled, programmes for improving the facilities of orphanages, care home, geriatric centres, victims of natural calamities, etc.
·         Bank has associated with "Care Plus", the Pain & Palliative Care Unit of Regional Cancer Centre (RCC), Thiruvananthapuram, for arranging health drink to pediatric cancer patients and Cancer Care for Life Policy to 100 children of deceased cancer patients.
·         During the year more than 100 programmes were conducted through social circles for the benefit of poor students, including assistance to the children of HIV affected people. In association with Health Oriented Project Establishments (HOPE), the Bank distributed wheel chairs to the needy people at Shencottah, Kottayam & Thiruvananthapuram centres. 1000 bedsheets were distributed to a Government hospital in Thiruvananthapuram.
·         Bank extended timely help for the rehabilitation of fire incident victims and families affected by flood and landslide and actively participated in Vazhiyora Thanal Padhathi.
·         All Kerala Quiz competition for school and college students called 'Intel Teens' is conducted annually.
·         The Bank bagged the award for humanitarian services rendered to the visually impaired brethren from the kerala Federation of the Blind, Thiruvananthapuram.



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